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CN → 純潔的女體,無法跨越的紅線
EN → On pure female body, the red line cannot be crossed
Tommy Magazine, nude magazine like no other. Publish and sale editorials, reference photographers & models. Sell & fairly share revenues only on Tommy Magazine.
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On Instagram..
"有沒有人家裡要打掃 還是要看門狗"
"哈哈 閃光開下去直接原形畢露 臉太白🥵 要怎麼修圖把臉修黑啊 馬汀裂到看起來好窮酸、沒錢買新的,只好假裝自己只有一雙鞋穿好幾年然後穿著它到處聽龐克(自欺欺人)"
"好看小褲褲又來ㄌ 很喜歡這件的材質 (應該是叫緞面嗎 總之滑滑的布料穿起來特別舒服 還有後面超級心機ㄉ簍空 我第一次覺得穿內褲有點害羞(?) 🐰💙 @don.t.crybb (還有很多漂亮睡衣喲 btw 內褲我幾乎都用手洗的,一樣是在 @don.t.crybb 買的Relove手洗精,另外除毛膏也好用(自己第一次用過發現需要一點技巧)推薦給各位漂亮朋朋"
"Sirens. Some lizard just deleted my 12k main account. It will be really helpful if you can press the button and share my works to all of your friends. 原本好不容易破萬的帳號被蜥蜴人刪掉了,如果尼喜歡我的作品的話可以幫我分享出去,讓更多朋朋看到我的作品❤️ Model| @a1478532 @q_han_wen @312_c4 @cathy_takeapic @mindywang80 @jessicafishhh Partner | @yeyudream Camera | #sonya7iii #comtemporaryart #fineart #fineartphotography #photography #photographer #etczine #fapovmagazine #500px #人像攝影 #攝影創作"
"Watching me trapping myself. Some lizard just deleted my 12k main account. It will be really helpful if you can press the button and share my works to all of your friends. 原本好不容易破萬的帳號被蜥蜴人刪掉了,如果尼喜歡我的作品的話可以幫我分享出去,讓更多朋朋看到我的作品❤️ Model| @_gary0104 Place| @studionoon2018 Camera | #sonya7iii #comtemporaryart #fineart #fineartphotography #photography #photographer #etczine #fapovmagazine #500px #人像攝影 #攝影創作 2 sem"
"About Night 夜色 with @miya_hoshino I have thought a lot after my former account was deleted. It was a big challenge to find every supporters back here. The most regretful thing is all the memories and thing I been through on that account. Now I’m not taking social media that seriously as before. Life’s still going on. I will keep up my pace for creation and every cases. The idea is unbeatable. 經過這次帳號消失事件我想了很多,雖然說要找回所有朋友很快,但要讓支持者們重新找到我還是需要一番努力,但我也比較看淡社群經營這件事了。未來還是想更加專注在創作與商業活動上,只要我還在創作理念就永遠不滅! 如果有商業合作,都可以直接與我聯繫✉️ Model| @miya_hoshino Place| @belial_0113 Camera| #sonya7iii"
"Body Pressures My main series “Form” that I want to express the beauty and consciousness through our body. Though these work seems not appreciated by here. Therefore, I am going to post some close up here. The full works will be only shown on exhibition and my member space. You can find all of it from the link in my bio. 「體」大概是我經營最久投注最多心血的大型系列創作,但這裡顯然是無法接受我的作品。那我也只能在這邊發一些特寫取向的作品,完整作品就只能發在深度會員空間了,如果想看到更多同時也想給我一些支持的朋,都可以在簡介連結中找到喔! Model| @cailin.861010 Place| @studionoon2018 Camera| #sonya7iii"
"體 Form My main series “Form” that I want to express the beauty and consciousness through our body. Though these work seems not appreciated by here. Therefore, I am going to post some close up here. The full works will be only shown on exhibition and my member space. You can find all of it from the link in my bio. 「體」大概是我經營最久投注最多心血的大型系列創作,但這裡顯然是無法接受我的作品。那我也只能在這邊發一些特寫取向的作品,完整作品就只能發在深度會員空間了,如果想看到更多同時也想給我一些支持的朋,都可以在簡介連結中找到喔! Model| @linlong.an @vegeterribleeeeeeeeee @mikomikomi__ Place| @studionoon2018 Camera| #sonya7iii"
"體,每個人都擁有卻未必熟悉的軀殼,就像自我意識本該是根源卻總是模糊不清。人對自我的認知是抽象化概念,那我們確信的真實是此時此刻的具象,還是流淌在時間中的意識呢? 自我認知是判斷生命是否具有智慧的標準,但「自我」有一個具體存在嗎?當回想起親朋好友的面容,我們的腦海總能浮現出具體形象,但輪到自己時卻只剩下模糊的概念。究竟我們認知的自我是這個「身體」,還是隨著時間流逝在這世界上不停流動的「意識」呢? 感謝 @nightowl_filmz 與 @alsophila_fifi 一同合作拍攝出2022年初由新光三越文教基金會主辦的個展形象影片。 Artlist Song Certificate Unlimited License Number - 223624 License owner - Huang Zhijun"
"日日 Mainichi Here come more new works with my friend @sweetrere115 on Patreon. I am trying to combine the Asian or your can say the Japanese style with my own vibe. This is like filming down a single day of a girl"
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شكرا جزيلا . Děkuji mnohokrát . Vielen dank . σε ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ . Thank you so much . Muchas gracias . Merci beaucoup . תודה רבה לך . बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद . Grazie mólto . どうもありがとうございます . 정말 고맙습니다 . Hartelijk bedankt . Tusen takk . Dziękuję bardzo . Muito obrigado . Mulțumesc foarte mult . Спасибо вам большое . Tack så mycket . ขอบคุณมาก . çok teşekkür ederim . Дуже дякую . Cảm ơn rất nhiều . 非常感謝 .